Information about MigRation registration:
According to Russian law, your Russian visa must be registered within 7 working days of your arrival (excluding weekends and official holidays).
Registration of visas is a form of migration control within Russia managed by UFMS (Federal Migration Service Organization).
Basically, registration involves placing a stamp either in your passport or on your migration card and obtaining a registration slip. The stamps and registration slip show the period you are registered to stay in any one place. In addition to the dates it will also contain the name of the hotel, hostel and mini hotels, where you are staying.
If you are staying at a private accommodation, the owners of the apartments in Russia are not allowed to register you in the Migration system.
For this reason, MAKO Congress Management is not allowed to prepare visa invitations indicating private apartments as a place of stay.
However, MAKO Congress Management will provide all delegates with visa vouchers in case of confirmation of accommodation in hotels, hostels, mini hotels from, expedia, etc.
The absence of the registration will not allow you to perform any legal actions and can be the reason for a penalty. Remember, your Russian visa is an exit as well as entry visa, and if you don’t register then technically it may lead to serious problems with the authorities including fines, detention, deportation and even being prevented from leaving the country. |