Dear WVA members,
The WVA is happy to inform you that the theme for the World Veterinary Day Award for 2013 is Vaccination.
The winner of the 2013 Award will be announced at the opening ceremony of OIE 81st General Session to be held in Paris, France on 26 May 2013 and be invited to the World Veterinary Congress 17 – 20 September in Prague, Czech Republic where he will receive the price of 1000 US$.
Please find in attachment the World Veterinary Day Award for 2013 background note (including instruction for the selection process) and the application form. Applications should be submitted by 1st May 2013 to:
The WVA is looking forward to receiving your filled in applications and wishing success to all candidates.
Best regards,
Zeev Noga

Dr. Zeev Noga
Veterinary Policy Officer

World Veterinary Association (WVA)
Avenue de Tervueren 12
B-1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0) 2 533 70 22